Current and Recent Projects

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Town of Barrington: work with town officials, department heads, and committee leads to design a strategy and implementation plan to better recruit and manage volunteers.

Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership: serving as contracted social media officer and providing services including website audit and online strategy and implementation.

Beaver Lake Watershed Partnership: work with diverse stakeholder partners to create and implement a process to draft a watershed resource management plan, develop curriculum for Pinkerton Academy, draft EPA-approved quality assurance project plan, implement outreach programs and policy recommendations, and develop capacity for partner organizations including the Beaver Lake Improvement Association.

Boat Safe Legislative Study Committee: elected as chair of the legislative study commission to study and report on mechanisms for the NH Fish and Game Department search and rescue and NH Environmental Services Lake Restoration and Protection programs.

Citizens for NH Land and Community Heritage: designing and maintaining organization website and posting information crucial to the passage of Senate Bill 401 which creates and funds a permanent public-private partnership to protect New Hampshire’s natural, historical, and cultural resources.

Cocheco River Watershed Coalition and Strafford County University of NH Cooperative Extension Office: designing and conducting a large and diverse focus group exploring watershed perceptions and drafting a communications strategy. Design of a brochure to advertise and solicit volunteers for a river clean-up.

Connecticut River Joint Commissions: designing and a process to update the CRJC’s strategic plan and faciliating a one-day retreat with bi-state participants.

Dovekie Images: providing design and marketing services for quality photographic products including prints, note cards, and stock photography.

US Environmental Protection Agency and Great Lakes Environmental Center: providing volunteer recruitment and management training services at Wetlands Work Group meeting in Atlantic City, NJ.

Exotic Aquatic Weeds and Species (Legisltiave) Committee: serving as the representative for New Hampshire’s rivers.

Green Mountain Conservation Group: provided keynote address for Watershed Weekend 2003 on community diversity and biodiversity in Effingham, NH.

Gulf of Maine Council in the Marine Environment:  Providing coordination and policy services to transboundary, international organization. Providing policy, planning, and other services to support habitat initiatives and develop website revision and drafting content. Participating in the Marine Habitat Characterization and Mapping Workshop and producing a plan containing dynamic links to existing research and identify data gaps. Providing panel facilitation services for public forum.

Gulf and South Atlantic Regional Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species: Providing fiscal agency and grant management services. 

Innovative Natural Resource Solutions LLC: providing a variety of communications, planning, and organizational services to clients including the NH Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Trust for Public Land / Lake Tarleton Task Force, and North East State Foresters Association, in areas such as building and organizing grassroots support, website design [including their Northern Forest Lands site] and maintenance, and writing and production of reports and educational materials. Designing and maintaining website for INRS.

Isinglass River Protection Project: working with the volunteer group to complete their nomination of the Isinglass River into the NH Rivers Management and Protection Program including consultation, writing, editing, and layout of their nomination package.

The Jordan Institute: creating a website that links the organization and its projects, directing visitors through the progression of its work including NH Comparative Risk Project and the Minimum Impact Development Project.

Massachusetts Congress of Lakes and Ponds: presenting “Guerrilla Fundraising for Sustainable Volunteer Organizations” at their 2001 annual conference.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts: managing grants and contracts for the Commonwealth’s Department of Conservation and Recreation aquatic invasive species program and Office of Coastal Zone Management.

Massachusetts Water Watch Partnership, University of Massachusetts, Amherst: Writing and editing data presentation manual, Ready, Set, Present! for volunteer water quality monitoring programs. Presentation of “Guerrilla Fundraising for Sustainable Volunteer Organizations” at their 2000 Clean Waters Conference in Gardner.

Merrimack River Watershed Council: facilitation and instruction at Volunteer Environmental Monitoring Network study design workshops for volunteer water quality monitoring.

Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species: managing federal grants and contracting with sub-awardees for implementation projects.

Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species: Providing fiscal agency and grant and contract management services. 

New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission: for a series of nonpoint source pollution and general environmental outreach workshops and media panels conducted in the fall of 2002.

Newfound Lake Region Association: Providinge database and membership management consulting services.Create a new database structure and migrate records, and structure reporting and management systems to maintain and build membership.

New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions: providing 40th anniversary observance and annual conference planning and facilitation services for 2010.

New Hampshire Association of Conservation Districts: providing contract Executive Director services including facilitating development of their Plan for the Decade, providing technical assistance and program support on a range of products including a series of flood mitigation workshops, website development, training programs, as well as serving as legislative and media contact and AmeriCorps Program Director.

New Hampshire Charitable Foundation: developing content for the Corporate Fund’s  online resource bank for nonprofit organizations. naturesource communications will identify and classify on-line and other resources for inclusion in the the Fund’s new website. Content includes fundraising & development, grant research & grant writing, management & governance, technology, managing change, public relations, evaluation, marketing & market research, financial management, volunteer management, organizational culture, human resources, and legal issues—all available in a searchable database.

New Hampshire Comparative Risk Project: creating and maintaining website communications including publication of technical papers on environmental and health risks.

New Hampshire Estuaries Project: conducting research and writing thirteen action plans to address urban cross-connections, un-permitted discharges, and stormwater management.

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Rivers Management & Protection Program, Office of the Commissioner: working as an Environmental Planner to expand and improve the Rivers Program and its planning activities including writing and production of the charter issue Meanderings, newsletter for the Program, organizing statewide Local River Advisory Committee Conference, creation of data management system, and providing assistance to State River Local Advisory Committees.
     Also working with Watershed Assistance Section Staff in the Watershed Bureau of the NH Department of Environmental Services to structure and organize a day-long workshop, “Innovative Outreach Tactics for Volunteer Organizations: Everything you ever wanted to know about outreach and the media but were afraid to ask” will include case studies, a media panel, and other presentations of effective, efficient, and affordable communications solutions for volunteer and nonprofit groups.
     Provided workshop planning and presentation services for outreach training. Worked with Local River Advisory Committees, watershed groups, and the NH Department of Environmental Services to determine the project feasibility and draft an annotated table of contents. The resulting document will be used to shape the new guidance document for Local River Advisory Committees. 
     Provided event and agenda planning services for the annual Watershed Conference in November 2004.
     Chosen as one of a pool of consultants to assist groups in implementing DES’s Watershed Approach and working with the Sunapee Area Watershed Coalition.

New Hampshire Lakes Association: working in a variety of lakes advocacy programs including planning, initiation, design, and implementation of Watershed Steward™ Program, writing and producing series of nine educational brochures on a variety of watershed subjects, legislative issues, providing support for lake associations and membership, internal organization and systems management, grantwriting, fundraising, group and volunteer organizing, and creating and maintaining website (and creating and hosting websites for local lake and watershed associations), and as Editor and designer or Lakeside, the newsletter of the NH Lakes Association.

New Hampshire Rivers Council: serve as annual master of ceremonies for the Wild & Scenic® Film Festival.

New Hampshire Land & Community Heritage Commission: provide staffing and communications for public-private partnership and governor- and legislative-appointed committee. Services include constituency-building, creation and maintenance of first website, research, report generation, and organization of committee and public outreach meetings.

New Hampshire Land and Community Heritage Investment Program Authority: developing and maintaining website which serves as an archival repository for Authority board information and current application materials and status.

New Hampshire Republicans for Responsible Conservation: working with advisory board to bring to major Republican presidential candidates’ agendas important conservation issues and publicize results to educate voters during primary election.

North American Lakes Management Society: designing and publishing annual officer election ballot booklet.

Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Council and Invasive Species Action Network: providing full logistical and organization management for International Didymo Conference in March 2013 with participants from all over the world including Europe, Oceania, North American, and South America.

Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel: providing policy, communications, and organizational services to create and manage the newest regional panel funded by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

The Ocean Conservancy [formerly known as the Center for Marine Conservation]: presenting “Guerrilla Fundraising for Sustainable Organizations,” “Guerrilla Volunteer Recruitment Tactics,” and “Data Presentation or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bacteria” at their 2000 northeast regional Volunteer Estuary Monitoring Workshop in Damariscotta, Maine.

The Plum Line: designing and maintaining website and online marketing materials.

Proctor Academy: working with Science Department staff to design river ecology curriculum including sampling, monitoring, and assessment protocols. Design lessons and teach science classes.

River Network: working with national organization to conduct needs assessment of watershed organizations in Massachusetts to make recommendations to the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs and Massachusetts legislature for guidance in designing support and funding programs.

City of Rochester, NH: public providing public relations services, including social media, direct press contacts, and research and comment on federal permit.

St. Paul’s School: Global Biodersity class guest lecturer with Stephen C. Landry.

Sprawl: creating branding, other visual identity, and athletic jerseys for NH Department of Environmental Services’s and resource professionals’ soccer league team.

State Conservation Committee: serving as the contracted Executive Director of one of the oldest NH state agencies. Participated on the Moose Plate Marketing Committee to develop strategies to increase Moore Plate sales.

Suffolk University: designing lessons and teaching class on “Marketing State Government.”

Sunapee Area Watershed Coalition: working with Coalition to refine and document its organizational structure, decision-making policies, and procedures and prepare it for an intensive watershed planning process. 

Thoreau’s Landing Association: providing event planning, social marketing, and outreach services and permitting advice.

Town of Brentwood: Working with the Conservation Commission and other partners to clarify project intent and sources of funding for culvert improvement and stream restoration.

Trout Unlimited: provide communications and membership management analysis and recommenations.

University of Maine Cooperative Extension: conducting communications planning workshops training and leadership workshop, “Leadership for All of Us.”

VHB, Inc.: working with the City of Franklin to facilitate a watershed planning process including outreach planning, website design, and communications management. See Webster and Highland Lakes Watershed Partnership.

US Gulf of Maine Association: managing the implementation of “Sustaining and Improving the Gulf of Maine Ecosystem Through Cooperative Efforts: Work Plan 7/1/99 – 12/31/00,” administering grants and publicizing results, coordinating and writing funding applications, financial management and federal reporting, serving as primary point of contact for work plan implementation, and acting as liaison with US Senate office. Moderated Council forum, “The Health of the Gulf of Maine: Current Conditions, Future Needs—A Range of Perspectives.”

Upper Merrimack Monitoring Program: organizing and training of volunteers, strategic planning, development/fundraising, training volunteers in identification to the family level of benthic macroinvertebrates, data management, analysis, presentation, and report generation, design and production of upper Merrimack taxa family-level identification key, and production of newsletter and brochure, and design and maintenance of its website.

Webster and Highland Lakes Watershed Partnership: facilitating meetings and process, drafting outreach plan, and designing and maintaining website.

As a Justice of the Peace, naturesource communications also provides document witnessing services for its clients.

*Clients listed in alphabetic order. Please visit our news page for press releases and other updates.

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